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Monday, June 13, 2011

Topics for the Week (June 13-17, 2011)

Session 1
- Quiz No. 1(Lab Manual for Safety and Procedures)
- Checking of Subject Requirements
Session 2
- Discussion of the Concepts of Science and Technology
- Assignment:
Journal No.1: As an ordinary student, do you use technology in a responsible way? If not, how can you help reduce its adverse effects?

Session 3
- Discussion of Science vs. Superstitions
- Assignment:
List at least 10 branches of science and their corresponding descriptions.

Session 4
- Word Hunt: Branches of Science
- Discussion of the branches of Science

Session 5
- Quiz No. 2 (Concepts of Science, Technology and Branches of Science)
- Laboratory Activity No. 2: Traits of Scientists
- Discussion of Scientific Attitudes

Session 6
- Discussion of Contributions of Foreign and Filipino Scientists
Study in advance the names and functions of different laboratory tools and equipment

*Please be guided accordingly. =)


  1. Hello Ma'am Anne,

    Can I ask what is exactly the question in our journal assignment? It says, "Elaborate: there are only 2 ways to live better. One is though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is about existent?" Is the last word really existent? Thanks!

  2. It's only until the "the other is as if everything is". about existent is not anymore a part of the quote. What do you think does Einstein mean with this quote?
