Session 1
- Quiz No. 1(Lab Manual for Safety and Procedures)
- Checking of Subject Requirements
Session 2
- Discussion of the Concepts of Science and Technology
- Assignment:
Journal No.1: As an ordinary student, do you use technology in a responsible way? If not, how can you help reduce its adverse effects?
Session 3
- Discussion of Science vs. Superstitions
- Assignment:
List at least 10 branches of science and their corresponding descriptions.
Session 4
- Word Hunt: Branches of Science
- Discussion of the branches of Science
Session 5
- Quiz No. 2 (Concepts of Science, Technology and Branches of Science)
- Laboratory Activity No. 2: Traits of Scientists
- Discussion of Scientific Attitudes
Session 6
- Discussion of Contributions of Foreign and Filipino Scientists
Study in advance the names and functions of different laboratory tools and equipment
*Please be guided accordingly. =)